
“The Sleeping warrior” Arran.


I was one of the fortunate ones, looking in the right direction at the right time, and saw the northern mights at the weekend, a kaleidoscopic dance of lights that was so remarkable. It was ethereal, ever changing, and just spoke of the glory of God. Such incandescent beauty! I love that even when we…

My laptop’s memory is full!

I have had some technical difficulties in recent weeks. I dropped my laptop on the floor, and the hinge is damaged. And I have received lots of warning notices, that the memory is full, and so now none of the updates are happening, and it is refusing to save my documents. After consultation, I have…

Mandisa- an appreciation.

The death of Mandisa, age 47, just last week, is so tragic. She was such an inspirational and beautiful Christian woman. She was known for being on American Idol, for her Grammy award winning music, and her courage in singing about her faith with such honesty and courage. I discovered her music during lockdown, and…

6 years- tears still fall…

It is now 6 years since my husband died. He was a veteran, who was invalided out of the military because of his head injury, which resulted in poorly controlled epilepsy. He struggled with ptsd symptoms,  guilt and neurological decline. It was an arduous and painful journey. I thought after 6 years, things would be…

‘Spots of time’

Last week,  I managed to escape to the Lake District, to Dove Cottage in Grasmere. It was the home to William Wordsworth and his sister Dorothy from 1799, and then later to the wider family. It is in the most besutiful setting, near the lake, and nestled  amongst the most beautiful and fantastically shaped hills…

Easter- personal resurrection!

Easter is such a deeply significant time of year. It is a time of mystery, and brings a message of love, forgiveness and hope- things we so desperately need in the world today. One of the things that challenges me continually, is how to best understand the connection between the historical event 2,000 years ago,…

Trapped by a giant puddle!

The other day I went to the shops. It sounds deceptively simple- but it was raining, not unusual in Glasgow. This photo doesn’t capture the reality of the situation that I faced, but basically when i parked and got out the car, I didn’t realise until too late, that I had stepped into a giant…

You were not afraid, so we are not afraid……

Today, was a sombre day for many reasons, but one of them was because of the funeral in Moscow of the Russian opposition politician Alexei Navalny. It had been difficult to organise the funeral, as churches and burial grounds were told not to co-operate. Only his parents could be there, not his wife or wider…

Never give up!

The death of Alexei Navalny in Polar Wolf penal colony in Russia on Friday 16th of February is such an outrageous and unecessary act of violence. His case symbolises the plight of so many political prisoners in penal colonies and prisons over decades, who suddenly and mysteriously fall ill and die. Over the weekend I…

Lent, loss and love…..

It is Ash Wednesday today, the beginning of Lent, the period leading up to Easter. It feels like a very meaningful time in the Christian calendar, a time of reflection and  musing. The traditional idea of giving something up at this time, has some substance, as in giving something up like-  mindless tv, too much…


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