It’s a wonderful life- possibilities of hope!

Making a difference!

For many people at Christmas, it is traditional to watch the film ‘It’s a wonderful life!’ Without giving too much away, George Bailey has spent his life helping others, but it has been costly, losing his hearing, and his dreams to go to college and to travel. He gets to a point in the film, when he has a crisis about his self worth.

We can maybe all identify with this at times. We look back at our life, and wonder if we could have done things differently, what it was all for. Maybe we doubt ourselves, and are tempted to despair and to question. It can be very painful.

An angel is sent to help George at a critical moment, and at times of self pity or loss, we could all do with an angel. We need to be reminded that every human being is precious, and that God has a plan for us all. Sometimes because of sorrow or disappointment we lose sight that there could be a bigger picture.

2023 has been a very challenging year for me, professionally and personally. Sometimes it has seemed very dark. Yet films like this one, remind us that even in difficult circumstances, there are possibilities of redemption and hope. We all need to be reminded of this, that things can change for the better. We are called to trust God and to hope.

The things that have helped me the most, are my Christian faith, and my amazing friends. At times God has lifted me up. In psalm 91 verse 12, it says “They (angels) will lift you up with their hands, so you will not strike your foot against a stone’. I have experienced many times when God has carried me, and He sustained and nurtured me. The prayers and encouragement of thoughtful friends have been stunning- you know who you are. I thank you from the bottom of my heart. You have shown me the value of true community.

If anyone is having a time of desolation or darkness, please know that it won’t last forever. I pray you find a friend or family member who will listen, an unexpected encouragement or answer to prayer. May we know there are always possibilities of hope and redemption, and that every life can make a difference.

Eternal Father, You are a God who was willing to send your Son to this violent and conflicted earth to be the Saviour of the world. Lord Jesus, You come as Prince of Peace, with a message of redemption and hope. When we sit in deepest darkness, be our light. Remind us that You can transform the bleakest situation, through your angels, and your holy spirit at work. Give us hope in our hearts, the encouragement we crave, and give us strength to persevere, to do what we can to make this world a better place. Rekindle within us a sense of the good that is possible. May your kingdom come, Amen.