You were not afraid, so we are not afraid……

Funeral today of Alexei Navalny

Today, was a sombre day for many reasons, but one of them was because of the funeral in Moscow of the Russian opposition politician Alexei Navalny. It had been difficult to organise the funeral, as churches and burial grounds were told not to co-operate. Only his parents could be there, not his wife or wider family. Russian citizens were warned not to go to the church or burial place, amidst threats of reprisals and intimidation against unsanctionned gatherings.

It was therefore so moving, that despite the very real threats, thousands of people turned out, many carrying flowers or candles. Some were able to pay their respects in the church, others just stood outside or in a nearby queue. There was a heavy security presence, which must have been so intimidating, and you pray that the people present will not be targeted by the security police in the days and weeks to come.

One of the chants from the crowd today was so powerful, when people said ‘ you were not afraid, so we are not afraid.’ Alexei Navalny chose to go back to Russia, even after an attempt on his life by Novicok poisoning had already taken place, because he believed that Russia could change for the better, and that there could be reform and freedom. He campaigned for human rights, and on an anti- corruption platform for many years, and somehow, even in an artic penal colony, he still dreamed of something better. Navalny chose to go back to Russia, although he knew the risks, and he was not afraid.

There are so many people, known and unknown, who have had the courage to stand up for what they believe in. They take risks and speak out, because they believe that this is the way to change the world, and we so admire their courage,and that in turn gives us strength.

In the bible, it says ‘ Do not be afraid’ at least 365 times- people say once for every day. To be honest, we are often afraid, scared about what might happen, worried about loved ones, anxious about many things. We are often scared, but God gives us strength to go ahead anyway, to find the inspiration to take the next step.

May the untimely death of Alexei Navalny, and his courageous and unflinching example, inspire us to live more purposefully and with more strength, and to campaign and be advocates for those unjustly imprisoned. May we never take our freedom for granted, but use it well, for the glory of God, and the wellbeing of all.

Gracious God, we are so saddened at the sudden and needless death of Alexei Navalny, some one who courageously campaigned for a better future. We see his determination and courage. We see the defiance of the crowd who came to pay their respects at the church service and Borisovskoye cemetry, even though they risked their own lives to do so. Lord Jesus, Your Kingdom is a place of light and justice and love, and we long for freedom and justice across every part of our world. Help us not to be afraid, but to do the right thing, to pray, to speak out, to do what we can. We thankyou that where the Holy Spirit is, there is freedom. Free us from our chains, and all that binds us, and help us live lives of prophetic authenticity and of courage, for your Son’s sake, Amen.

Never give up!

Flowers in remembrance of Alexei Navalny

The death of Alexei Navalny in Polar Wolf penal colony in Russia on Friday 16th of February is such an outrageous and unecessary act of violence. His case symbolises the plight of so many political prisoners in penal colonies and prisons over decades, who suddenly and mysteriously fall ill and die.

Over the weekend I watched the excellent documentary on BBC i-player Storyville on Alexei Navalny and his wife Yulia, after his poisoning with novichok in August 2020, and the investigative work done to prove the very intentional plot to kill him.

I dont know the intricacies of Navalny ‘s life, whether in his younger days, his coalition to expose Russian corruption was too broad,  or whether he was too direct in his approach. However what I saw was a man who boldly  led an anticorruption campaign and had a belief that human rights and freedom should be an essential part of every state.

His courage in going back to Russia, even though he knew he faced imprisonment or worse, was colossal. He was sentenced in July to another 19 year prison sentence. He loved his country, and wanted it to change for the better. He was composed, calm and displayed a sense of humour that demonstrated no fear. He was separated from his wife and family, which was an immense sacrifice, but he believed in what he was doing.

Alexei Navalny spoke of coming to some kind of Christian faith in 2021, and again we don’t know all the details of this, but so many of his words and actions spoke of the need for transparency, honesty and freedom. And his willingness to keep speaking out, whatever his circumstances is so inspirational.

Navalny made a short speech, to be used if he died, and he said two things- first that people should never give up. That this has been taken to heart, is seen by the people laying flowers in Russian cities, when they risk being dragged away and arrested by the police.

The other thing he said were the words from Edmund Burke ‘ the only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men ( people) to do nothing.’

These are challenging words. We need to act for political prisoners through Amnesty International, and to pray and campaign for religious freedom through organisations like Christian Solidarity Worldwide. So many are persecuted or imprisoned, not just in Russia but around the world. May they never he forgotten.

Gracious God, we think of Jesus proclaiming the words from Isaiah 61, that he came to being good news for the poor, to  heal the broken hearted, and to set the prisoner free. Father God, we are shocked at the death of Alexei Navalny, and pray for those involved in his death to be brought to justice. We thank you for his immense courage, and dedication to see a better world come into existence. We pray for his widow Yulia, and their children. For all who are unjustly detained this night, may your Holy Spirit minister to them, and bring protection and encouragement. And may we be willing to pray and to speak out for those illegally detained, and may they be set free. May we persevere in this important work, Amen.