Places- the power of memory


I had the opportunity to revisit Millport the other day. It was stunningly beautiful, with the majestic snow dusted mountains of Arran in the background. Freezing but incredible.

I was back for very practical purposes, but just being on the island reminds me of 20 years of memories. My late mum had a wee flat there, and she generously let me use this for holidays.

We have so many wonderful memories of Cumbrae, playing crazy golf in the rain, the brilliant sunrises, walks along the beach with the seals in the early morning, and of course cycling round the island, stopping at Fintry Bay for some delicious refreshments. Walks to the top of the hill, seeing all the different types of birds, marvelling at the colours of the sea and movement of the tides are always wondrous.

The beauty of creation is often spoken of in the bible, as in psalm 19 verse 1 ‘ the heavens declare the glory of God, the skies proclaim the work of his hands’. Being on an island, the skies seem so big and glorious! Every season brings different colours in the hedgerows, a variety of birds, temperatures and ambiances. And the memories of a place often seem absorbed in the landscape, and then are like a homing beacon to come home. As soon as you set foot on the land, the memoies flood back. There is an instant familiarity of sight and fragrance and sound that is reassuring, and which catapaults you into the past. I give thanks for places where memory and landscape are so intimately interlaced.

Creator God, You have made the world to be so full of vitality and diversity, and you bless us with opportunities to explore and enjoy. Lord Jesus, you enable us to experience precious memories and connections with others, family and friends, and we are thankful. Holy spirit, help us to notice the gorgeous nature of our surroundings, often the backdrop to our experiences, and to cherish these deep interconnections and affinities. In Jesus name, Amen