Learning to accept ourselves as we are!

Space to be……

Ever struggled with who you are? I am so aware of the things I do wrong, and the things I am just not good at. There is a long list, and it is so exacerbating. At times I think it would he good to be some one else, who is more kind, has a better memory, can think of the right thing to say……

There are so many choices just now, as restrictions lift a little. I am trying to work out how to be. What things from the pre pandemic world do I pick up again, and what do I leave behind? What choices do I make now, knowing that these decisions could bring new patterns of life. Maybe I am overthinking. It is good to have any choices at all.

We are all having to think about being more ecological, careful with money and energy and fuel. We are trying to work out a balance between moments of quiet, and times with people. We are trying to keep one another safe, but also to be able to live. We are seeking balance…

I love the verse in 1 Corinthians 15:10 ‘ by the grace of God I am what I am’ . I am reminded that even with all my flaws and weaknesses, I am made in the image of God, and somehow to be at peace with this. This takes a lot of work, to forgive myself, to let go of who I would like to be, and to ask God’s holy spirit to keep making me more like Christ. We can only surrender to God, not to fret over the past, and to ask God to fashion me in His likeness. I pray I am receptive to His bidding.

Gracious God, forgive us when we see ourselves with such a critical lens. We want to be self aware, and open to change, but also able to affirm the good. Forgive us when we have a negative self perception, and worry about what others think. Lord Jesus, somehow you love us as we are- that’s all that matters. May this help us find grace and healing. Holy spirit may we learn self acceptance and peace, and may we always be open to listening and growing more into the likeness of Christ, and to following your call, Amen.