Flooded by love!

So much water….

This month has been so wet and dark. The rain never ceases for more than a few minutes, and there is flooding everywhere, puddles are deep, roads are blocked, some houses are underwater. It feels a little dismal. Scotland is so wet!

I try to turn this around in my mind, by imagining that this is floods of love. That seems to be what the world needs so badly. We are so damaged, people hurting and under strain, systems under pressure, economic injustice, climate change,conflict and heartbreak. There is so much wrong.

So the world needs love, and not any love, but the strong, vibrant and beautiful love of God. God longs to see people set free, sins forgiven, for the world healed. But His love can only flow through people who accept it, who say yes, who will surrender to the light and goodness of Christ. If we live for ourselves alone, we block the purposes of God, and the brokenness gets deeper, and the pain more palpable.

I remember the words of the old hymn ‘there’s a wideness in God’ s mercy, like the wideness of the sea, there’s a kindness in his justice, which is more than liberty.’

There is an image here of water, of the waters of the sea, but that God’s mercy is somehow greater. As human beings we have messed up our world, our enviroment, our society, our relationships. We are so shortsighted and selfish. Yet in Christ, God looks at us with compassion, and longs to gather us back, cleansed, forgiven and restored.

May the floods of God’s love cascade through this world, cleansing, restoring, replenishing us. May the prodigals come home into the welcoming embrace of the Father. May the love of Christ melt even the hardest of hearts. May the holy spirit reveal the light and perfection of God, so all may delight to worship and surrender to God. This world needs God so badly, and He offers His love so freely. May we have the courage to respond.

Creator God, you created this world and her people to live in harmony, but we spoiled this by following our own will, rather than looking to You. We have caused so much damage and hurt. Please forgive us, because of the love of Christ, and have mercy upon us. Flood our souls with your love, sweep away the debris, heal and revitalise us, and by your spirit, may your love heal our lives, our families and our communities. We plead with you this day, help us to he open to your love, your will and ways, Amen.