Cherishing the sparrow

Noticing what seems insignificant

Many of you are aware that I have had a bereavement in these recent weeks. It was not unexpected, and yet it seems so painful. There always seems that element of shock and disbelief, like you have entered into a nightmare from which you hope to awaken. Images and conversations replay in your head, and keep you awake.

I have so much to be thankful for. Now my loved one does not suffer any longer, and God’s grace has been immense. I am deeply thankful for their life and all that they mean to me.

Times of bereavement bring such disquiet, old memories resurface, questions emerge, and reflection becomes essential. At these times, we all need space to process and to grieve, to gain perspective.

I am so grateful for that bible verse that tells that God sees even the smallest most ordinary bird, and that there is a home for these tiny birds in His house. He also says in Matthew 10: 30a to 31 ‘ aren’t you worth much more to God than many sparrows. So don’t worry. For your Father cares deeply about even the smallest detail of your life’ ( the Passion translation).

Even in the midst of pain and bereavement, God knows our situation, sees our tears and heals us. What happens to us matters. We might feel insignificant and unseen, but we have a God who sees us, and loves and cherishes us. What a wonderful God we have, what a compassionate Saviour, who loves us with a generous and extravagant love. Even in the darkest night, he hears our cries, and ge answers.

All seeing God, you are good and loving and kind, You are the Creator of all things, and yet You notice the humble sparrow in the hedgerow, the workings of ants, and hear the plaintive bleat of a lamb lost on the hillside. Lord Jesus, You are the Saviour of the world, yet you notice our struggles, love us even in our darkest days, offer forgiveness for our sins, and give us a new beginning every morning. Even in time if pain and lament, You are with us, and your holy spirit brings consolation and healing, Your presence provides for us a place of attentive safety, where we can unburden our souls. We bring to You our praise and deep thanksgiving for who You are, and rest content in your loving arms, Amen